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Impaired Driving, Over .08 – Criminal DUI in BC

  • The most common types of drinking driving cases in BC are 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRPs). If the police had you blow into an Approved Screening Device and then released you at the roadside, chances are you were issued an IRP.
  • If you blow a “Fail” on the roadside breath tester and the officer thinks you have a bad driving record or you were involved in an accident, you may be arrested or detained at the discretion of the officer and taken to a police department to blow into the Intox EC/IR II. If you blow at or over .08 at the police department, in addition to criminal impaired driving charges, you will receive a 90-day Administrative Driving Prohibition (ADP). Drivers who receive an ADP must take Responsible Driver Program and to have an interlock device installed in their vehicle (approx. $1730 plus taxes per year depending on their driving record) before they can drive again. If you are issued an ADP, contact us right away because there is a 7-day limitation period to file for review.
  • Impaired Driving is a crime in British Columbia. If convicted in court of Driving Over .08, Impaired Driving or Refusal to Blow you must pay a minimum fine $1000 and you get a criminal record. After completing a minimum 1-year driving suspension, you must complete the Responsible Driver Program (minimum $880) and you must have an interlock device installed in your vehicle (approx. $2000 per year depending on the driving record and a few other considerations) before you can drive again.
  • At our Vancouver Law Office we use all of the defences known to law to help our clients avoid a driving prohibition and criminal record. We have defended hundreds of IRPs and ADPs, so we know the defences that work to defeat drunk driving allegations.
  • Learn More: Text us your Immediate Roadside Prohibition notice
  • Learn More: 90-day IRP Immediate Driving Prohibitions
  • Learn More: 90-day ADP Driving Prohibition
  • Learn More: The Background and the Law of Impaired Driving Charges in BC
  • Learn More: IRP Judicial Review and Appeals

paul-asd-01-v2-500pxLawyers Paul Doroshenko, K.C., and Kyla Lee have been successfully defending Immediate Driving Prohibitions since they were invented by the BC Government. Paul Doroshenko has successfully defended Impaired Driving, At or Over .08 and Refusal to Blow cases throughout British Columbia for 20 years. The lawyers at Acumen Law know the defences that work and how to challenge driving prohibitions and criminal driving offences.

The lawyers at Acumen Law Corporation have accumulated a huge collection of maintenance and calibration records for Approved Screening Devices used to issue Immediate Roadside Prohibitions. No other law office has a similar collection of data on ASDs. In many cases they have the records for each individual Approved Screening Device to help identify when an ASD has a history of malfunctions and providing inaccurate readings. They have the specialized knowledge to analyze the calibration records of ASD used in British Columbia.

Not only do they maintain an extensive library of DUI precedents, the lawyers at Acumen Law own the ROADSIDE BREATH-TESTING DEVICES and CALIBRATION EQUIPMENT that the police use and they know how they work.

We know that you need to keep your licence and avoid an IRP or criminal record. As skilled driving lawyers with years of expertise Paul Doroshenko, K.C. and Kyla Lee can challenge your driving suspension or criminal driving charge.

Learn More: The Law of Drinking and Driving Charges in BC

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